LETTER OF THE DAY - Upset with nursing council
The Editor, Sir: It is with great disgust and bewilderment that I read the article in The Saturday Gleaner of November 28 titled 'Hero nurse suspended'. According to the article, Rackell Wilson has, among other things, had her enrolled assistant nursing licence...
Take your own aeroplane food
The Editor, Sir: M. Hewitt's letter in the Friday Gleaner captioned 'Poor Air J Food' had concerns with not only the taste (quality) of the tea served, but also the small quantity breakfast served on the flight out of JFK.
Timely reminder
The Editor, Sir: Your editorial in The Sunday Gleaner of November 29 titled 'Trampling on Fundamental Rights' is a most timely reminder as to why it is imperative for governments to always do "what is right" rather than "doing the right things."...
Strict monitoring at bus termini
The Editor, Sir: I read, in this newspaper last week, an article concerning a young man who was arrested allegedly for having sex with minors. The article claimed that the young man lured young girls ...
A dilemma of ethics
The Editor, Sir: It is with deep shock and dismay that I read in your Saturday publication that the enrolled assistant nurse, who assisted the persons in that bus tragedy in Portland, faced disciplinary action from the Nursing Council of Jamaica....
Shocked at nurse's punishment
The Editor, Sir: I was shocked when I read the Saturday Gleaner to discover that the nurse who had risked her life in the Portland tragedy to save others was suspended for six months, along with other punishment. While I understand that every profession...
Brain food antisocial behaviour link
The Editor, Sir: It is a fact that Jamaicans who can afford to have children are having fewer that those persons who can least afford to have and care for their children.
Revisit bank account fees
The Editor, Sir: I have recently noticed that many persons are using their savings accounts for chequing purposes. After calling three of the prominent banks and inquiring about their fees...
Paying for Government's miscalculations
The Editor, Sir:The public transportation system is by no means perfect. Albeit what exists now represents a significant improvement when viewed against what obtained in the 1990s. Commuters can now travel in air-conditioned comfort ...