Jamaica Gleaner
Published: Monday | November 30, 2009
Home : Letters
Timely reminder
The Editor, Sir:

Your editorial in The Sunday Gleaner of November 29 titled 'Trampling on Fundamental Rights' is a most timely reminder as to why it is imperative for governments to always do "what is right" rather than "doing the right things."

I am in total agreement with all the fundamentals that you have raised; however, with respect to the statement "Church leaders balked at the idea of horse racing on Sundays", I think that this is a classic case of stating only half the truth. If you had stated that "Church leaders baulked at the idea of horseracing", (note the omission of "on Sundays"), then I would have agreed with your entire article.

Saturdays and Sundays

I have tried to make the distinction among Church leaders on the basis that government-supported horse racing on Saturdays with all its attendant embellishments, is also on another day of worship for some Christians. I daresay that such Church leaders may be baulking at horse racing on Saturdays. Look at the extension of your fundamentals to explicitly include both Saturdays and Sundays.

On the lighter side of this all, it is quite possible that by the year 3010 there will be religious groups, inter alia, baulking at horse racing on every day of the week.

I really hope you are correct in your conclusion. I really don't believe that the original intent had anything to do with politics.

I think this is just another case of Government's poor policy planning, development, implementation, monitoring and termination.

Oh, how we need a proper reform; not just "people to tell us if what we are doing is right".

I am, etc.,



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