Jamaica Gleaner
Published: Monday | November 30, 2009
Home : Letters
Brain food antisocial behaviour link
The Editor, Sir:

It is a fact that Jamaicans who can afford to have children are having fewer that those persons who can least afford to have and care for their children. A signi-ficant number of these parents are so poor that they cannot afford to feed their kids with the basic cell-growing food.

If this trend continues, through the process of births and deaths, Jamaica will ultimately find itself populated with people from extremely poor beginnings.

I used the phrase extremely poor beginnings and not poor because a distinction must be made between a poor person and a person who is destitute. Persons who are destitute cannot feed their children properly and this must have an effect of the development of these children.

Proper nutrition is necessary for the healthy development of one's organs, including the brain. We must agree that the ability to learn, rationalise and to think logically is related to the condition of the brain. After all, the brain is nothing but cells, blood and muscles that need essential nutrients to grow and develop.

Mentally challenged

If the above is true, isn't it logical to believe that with the reduction of births from the haves and the increasing birth rate from the destitute, Jamaica will ultimately be populated by people who are mentally challenged, and lack the ability to operate as normal social animals.

Based on the antisocial behaviour of some of our people in Jamaica today, are we experiencing this effect at this time?

I am, etc.,





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