Jamaica Gleaner
Published: Friday | December 4, 2009
Home : Letters

LETTER OF THE DAY - Value of outside criticism
The Editor, Sir: I suspect that one of the main reasons Jamaica has so many problems today is that for decades it has exported a significant number of its most talented people. Like a country which has sent its best young men off to war...

Water-storage recommendation
The Editor, Sir: Please allow me to make a very strong recommendation to the Government and the National Water Commission regarding new water-storage facilities. For many decades, whenever there is a drought, water restrictions are imposed ...

Dancehall fans held hostage
The Editor, Sir: Imagine a Jamaica without dancehall music; oh what a lovely place to be. There would be no Rampin' Shop and no Boom Bye Bye. There would be no need to censor our television or radio programmes...

Gully-Gaza intolerance
The Editor, Sir:The Gully-Gaza phenomenon, which has overtaken a portion of the Jamaican society, is nothing more than a reflection of a general intolerance, which has characterised us for some time, based on real and/or perceived differences...

Let's support Air Jamaica pilots
The Editor, Sir: After almost 40 years of flying Air Jamaica, I am repulsed by the suggestion of our airline going to a group of foreigners. All those who find fault with Air Jamaica over the years ...

Beyond flexi-week
The Editor, Sir: The editorial published on December 1 titled 'Flexi-week for higher productivity' was very intellectual in presentation, but lacked a concise basis for implementation.

Jamaica's problems are systemic
The Editor, Sir: Devon Dick in his article of Thursday, December 3, responding to Richard Byles' views, has hit the nail on the head in most instances. When, however, he refers to paper chasers making more money...

Drivers must be held responsible
The Editor, Sir: The recent accident on the Llandovery main road is a chilling reminder of what results when drivers act irresponsibly and recklessly. This accident, involving two public-passenger vehicles...

Aquaculture - the plan for success
The Editor, Sir: To understand what is needed to ensure a successful national aquaculture industry, it is necessary to look at other nations' steps to securing their industry, as reported by Asia Aquaculture. In India, shrimp aquaculture has passed...

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