Jamaica Gleaner
Published: Friday | December 4, 2009
Home : Letters
Water-storage recommendation
The Editor, Sir:

Please allow me to make a very strong recommendation to the Government and the National Water Commission regarding new water-storage facilities. For many decades, whenever there is a drought, water restrictions are imposed on an islandwide basis. Whenever there is the greatest need for water that is when citizens, animals and plants are deprived of it.

The NWC's revenues decline drastically. Fixed costs remain fixed and then the commission seeks a rate increase to make up the shortfall in revenue. Sometimes, time is used as the justification for requesting an increase - this should not be so, as creative thinking, prudent planning and improved efficiency should take care of the lapse of time.

Mined-out caverns

My recommendation: Acquire, by the most appropriate means, access to the mined-out caverns particularly those in the bauxite areas, dress them and seal them for use as reservoirs to store water during the rainy season. The water would then be piped to strategically placed treatment facilities for integration into the distribution system. This recommendation, if implemented, would save millions of dollars in excavating costs of new areas to construct new dams as well as preserve already scarce land.

I urge the powers that be to consider this proposal expeditiously for early implementation.

I am, etc.,



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