Jamaica Gleaner
Published: Friday | December 4, 2009
Home : Letters
Gully-Gaza intolerance
The Editor, Sir:

The Gully-Gaza phenomenon, which has overtaken a portion of the Jamaican society, is nothing more than a reflection of a general intolerance, which has characterised us for some time, based on real and/or perceived differences.

It is difficult to understand the animosity between the two camps if we were to observe them objectively in an effort to identify differences which could be the root of the divisiveness. Both camps proclaim similar messages as it relates to attitudes to women, drug use, homosexuality, money and material possessions. The difference to be found is in the philosophy which Haile Selassie spoke about which "holds one race superior and another inferior".

To paraphrase Haile Selassie, "Until the philosophy which holds Gaza superior and Gully inferior (and vice versa) is finally and permanently discredited and abandoned, everywhere is war."

This intolerance, which this philosophy sustains, feeds, and cause to multiple, is evident in our politics, religion, businesses, schools and communities. There is not much difference between the two major political parties but intolerance is ripe among diehard party supporters.

Few significant differences

Our Christian denominations have few significant differences but intolerance is pervasive among the so-called 'people of God'. The 'advertising war' and 'court battles' between, and among, certain businesses is not as a result of fundamental differences in business values and ethics but a reflection of the philosophy which sees one company as superior and the other inferior.

As a nation, we need to recognise our common humanity; we need to embrace our equality. We should by now as a people be able to shake off the vestiges of a colonial past which devised different means of pitting us against each other. Until we are able to see each other as equals, we will not be able to unite as a people to confront the many challenges which beset us.

I am, etc.



Kingston 3

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