The plight faced by residents in the Rio Grande valley of Portland should be eased in another four weeks when construction on a new bridge is completed.
The new bridge is being constructed to replace the old Alligator Church Bridge, which exhausted its design life more than 15 years ago.
Demolition of the old Alligator Church Bridge was completed last week and a temporary Bailey bridge is now in place to facilitate residents getting from Ginger House to Mill Bank, Comfort Castle, Moore Town, Friday and beyond.
Weather caused delay
Project manager at the construction site, Nicholas Robb, told The Gleaner yesterday that the new Bailey bridge should be completed in another four weeks.
"This new bridge will measure approximately 240 feet in length," he said. "We have, however, encountered some delays along the way, as residents have to walk along the work site area to get to work, school or their farm lands, and also to conduct business, and then back to their homes."
Robb said the inclement weather has also added to the delay, as the nearby Rio Grande often overflows its banks, inundating the work area.
He, however, noted that the work was on schedule and should be completed on time and within budget.
The Alligator Church Bridge was built in the early 1940s and survived a series of floodings and hurricanes, including Gilbert in 1988 and Ivan in 2004.
It is the only access route for residents and motorists to enter into the varied communities in the upper Rio Grande valley.
Approximately $200 million is being spent to construct the new bridge, which is being built by RM Murray Construction Company.