I am responding to Dennie Quill's question in the article published on Wednesday, November 11, about who gains from the staggering crime problem. We don't need to light lamps to see who the benefactors of crime and violence are. I have no idea where the trend of serving food at funerals began but may God help you if you don't have a variety of means at your loved one's send-off.
May God help you if you can't afford a posh coffin or afford to pay for an Escalade to transport the corpse. May God help you if, as a close family member, you don't wear a designer suit and shoes to the ceremony. May the Almighty help you even more if you even think of cremation which is far cheaper.
who benefits?
So who benefits from crime and violence? Owners of funeral homes who cater for the ceremony, boutique owners who ensure you look like Paris Hilton on the farewell day, supermarket merchants who sell the grocery, the butchers who slaughter the animals, psychologists who provide therapy for your nervous breakdown or depression over your loved one's demise, pharmacies who fill your prescriptions and how dare I forget the cement company and the block factories?
I know we may not want to admit it but there are many people who are happy when a murder is committed. Yes, many of us are tired of the senseless crimes. Many, too, have cried their hearts out and have fallen into deep depression but simultaneously many are rejoicing and smiling all the way to the bank, not because you are sad, but at the reason for your sadness. If the crime wave is to stop, we must all have a sincere desire for it to end.
I am, etc.,
Dumfries District
St James