Jamaica Gleaner
Published: Thursday | August 20, 2009
Home : What's Cooking
KITCHEN CURES - Keep those recipes coming

THANKS TO our readers who have shared with us some of their kitchen cures. They will get a recipe book courtesy of the Norwegian Seafood Council. You too can get a copy by sending us recipes, tips or ideas for back to school breakfast and lunches. Send them to: lifestyle@gleanerjm.com

1. Uses of salt

When boiling an egg, add a pinch of salt to the water. This prevents the egg shell from cracking.

To determine whether an egg is fresh, immerse it in a pan of cool salted water. if it sinks it is fresh. If it floats it is not.


A kiss without a tickle is like eating an egg without salt.

"Old Salt" means an experienced sailor.

To "salt away something" means to put it aside for future use.

-Veronica Royes

My favourite kitchen cure is: charcoal mixed with bizzy (kaola nut)

To counteract ANY poison in human and animals:

Let one tablespoon of bizzy steep in one cup boiling water. Cool until it is warm enough to drink, strain and mix in one heaped teaspoon of charcoal (can be purchased at any herbal store). Drink the complete mixture including charcoal residue. It never fails.

This cure will also remove toxins from the body and relieve headaches caused by toxins.

Charcoal mixed with grated garlic steeped in hot water, relieves bowel problems caused by contaminated food.

Always consult your doctor before using any kitchen cure.

- Claudette Brown

Cure for a common cold

Crush two cloves of garlic in three tablespoons of honey. Let stand for a least two days. One teaspoon taken orally two times per day will cure a common cold.

- Nadine Taylor


A clove of garlic daily helps control blood pressure level (monitoring is necessary)

For asthma, consumption of the liquid helps clear mucus from the chest.

A clove eaten with water fights headaches.

- Vedete Coleman-Grant

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